Welcome to my passion!

My passion is food. I have always enjoyed cooking and trying out different types of cuisine from every place around the world. Being a Malaysian one may agree that food is the first thing that comes on their mind. I think if I had the chance to do anything I would travel all over the world and taste all the wonderful delicacies that can be found. So here is my blog where I will be exploring a variety of recipes and testing out different ingredients, restaurants I have visited and worth reviewing and also my very own home cooked dishes.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Eating in Tenerife!

Ok so I just came back from a week's holiday in Tenerife and ate so much food that I have put on almost half a stone no joke. But the food was so good that it had to be eaten and tested out by me. Because we went on a package holiday the hotel provided us with half board which was a buffet breakfast and dinner every day we were there. I wasn't really expecting much from hotel food as I have oftened experienced below standard quality food but this was to my amazement. The food at the Paradise Park Hotel was lush! Not only did it taste home cooked but it was also very authenic Spanish/Mediterranean with alot of flavours. It was also different everyday which was nice. Here are some photos of the food I had. 

One of our lunches consisted of tiny baguettes with lots of different fillings that we could choose from. However, the menu was all in Spanish and without understanding any of it we just decided to pick any at random and hope for the best. At first we didn't even know we were going to be served baguettes and so ordered quite alot but nonetheless they were very tasty although abit too much for the two of us.

Another time we had lunch at a tapas bar called El Cine in Los Christianos which was fantastic. It is definitely worth visiting and it's full of locals that you know you won't be dissapointed. They often have a long queue as it's so popular even when the menu only has around ten dishes. Prices are reasonable too with most dishes costing around 5euros.

Chicken wings were very tasty and seasoned well

Most of the food served is fresh from the sea such as grilled cuttlefish, hake, sardines, herring, mackerel, prawns, fish of the day, fried octopus, squid etc. And all the food is cooked to perfection. 

Grilled hake fish with tomato and onion salad
Grilled octopus and king prawns

Grilled mackerel

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